Highlandette Business Sponsor

Your donation is tax deductible.
The Highlandettes greatly appreciate your support!


Donation LevelsDonation AmountSelect a Quantity
 Pep Rally | $50-$249
Name listed in Revue Program
 Contest | $250-$499
Logo in Revue Program, Logo on Dette website and social media post
 Revue | $500-$999
Logo in Revue Program, Logo on Dette website and social media post, Logo displayed during Revue intermission, 1/2 page ad in Revue program ($175 value)
 Other Donation Amount
Your contribution will be placed in the appropriate giving category.
Donor Recognition Listing
How would you like your name to be listed in our program and other publicity materials? (Example: Dolly Dette; Dolly and Bob Dette; The Dette Family)

If you are donating in honor of a particular Dette, please list her name here.


The Highlandettes Booster Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax deductible.  You will receive a receipt with further information for your records.

uestions? Contact: Jennifer Wilcox or Lauri Griffith